Madison Black

Madison practices commercial law with an emphasis on franchising, distribution and supply chain, consumer protection and consumer products across a variety of industries.

Madison provides Canadian and international franchisors with advice on all aspects of Canadian franchise law, including the preparation of franchise agreements and disclosure documents. In addition, Madison advises retailers and other businesses on general commercial and contractual matters, including preparation of terms of use, services agreements, distribution agreements, supply agreements, manufacturing agreements, logistics and warehousing agreements and provides advice on consumer protection issues, e-commerce issues, advertising, marketing and promotions. In addition, Madison supports emerging and high growth companies with general commercial matters and is particularly passionate about supporting female-led companies with scaling their businesses.

Prior to her career in law, Madison obtained an honours B.Sc. in Life Sciences followed by an M.Sc. in Anatomy and Cell Biology from Queen’s University and worked in the pharmaceutical marketing industry.

Representative Work

  • Sheertex

    Sheertex in its $101 million Series C financing round

  • Epiq

    Epiq in its acquisition of Simplex Services Inc.

Latest Insights

  • Osler Update May 10, 2024

    Saskatchewan’s Franchise Disclosure Act receives royal assent

    Saskatchewan recently become the seventh Canadian province to enact franchise legislation, joining Alberta, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, New...

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    Saskatchewan’s Franchise Disclosure Act receives royal assent
  • Osler Update Nov 16, 2023

    Saskatchewan introduces comprehensive franchise legislation

    Saskatchewan could soon become the seventh Canadian province to enact franchise legislation. We look at the notable features of the proposed bill and...

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    Saskatchewan introduces comprehensive franchise legislation
  • Osler Update Jun 9, 2023

    New criminal provision in the Competition Act presents unique challenges for franchisors

    On June 23, amendments to the Competition Act will take effect that prohibit no-poach agreements and “conditions of employment” agreements...

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    New criminal provision in the Competition Act presents unique challenges for franchisors
  • Osler Update Mar 9, 2022

    Leveling the playing field: the benefits of voluntary franchise disclosure

    In this article we will look at where an FDD is required and the benefits of providing one even in jurisdictions where they are not legally required.

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View all Insights

Awards and Recognition

  • Dean’s Letter of Cumulative Overall Excellence (academic standing in top 3% of graduating class at Osgoode Hall Law School)
  • Shin Doi & Benda Prize in Legal Drafting
  • Barry D. Torno Memorial Prize
  • Gowlings WLG LLP Best Blog in IP Law and Technology Prize
  • Charles Edward Woodrow Award
  • Neil E. Wood Q.C. ’60 (LLB) Real Estate Prize

Community Involvement

  • Pro Bono Ontario Free Legal Advice Hotline Volunteer
  • Senior Fellow, IP Osgoode Innovation Clinic
  • Community Legal Aid Services Program, On-Call Caseworker

Speaking and Writing

Published Work

Premium Findings of Paramount Importance from Premium Host Host Inc. v Paramount Franshise Group, CFA Legal Digest, November 2023



  • Osgoode Hall Law School, J.D.
  • Queen’s University, M.Sc. 
  • Queen’s University, B.Sc.H. 


  • English