Julien Morissette

Julien Morissette

Julien is a partner of the Montréal office and is cross-appointed to the national Disputes and Insolvency and Restructuring departments. His practice is diversified and centred on the insolvency and litigation fields, with a particular focus on corporate restructuring and insolvency-related transactional and advisory, insolvency litigation, Québec privacy and access to information law, investigations, insurance and public law.

Other areas of his practice also include regulatory matters, class actions and general commercial litigation.

Having developed expertise over the years, Julien is also a key resource for various specific litigation and advisory needs such as notably pharmacy and prescription drug market regulation, credit information reporting, administrative/constitutional law and court-approved solvent arrangements.

Valued business advisor by clients, by professionals in the insolvency and restructuring space and by decision-makers in accounting firms and lending institutions, Julien is actively involved with the Turnaround Management Association (TMA) as a director and vice-president, legal affairs of the local chapter. Julien has been involved in many high-profile commercial insolvency and restructuring matters in the last decade, notably in the retail, mining, technology and real estate sectors.

With over one decade of experience in investigations by and hearings before the Québec Access to Information Commission, both with respect to private and public sector legislation, Julien is at the forefront of new developments stemming from ongoing privacy and access to information legislative reform (Law 25) and assisting many clients with preparedness initiatives.

Julien is recognized as a detail-oriented and thorough jurist. He pleads regularly before many levels of court as well as administrative tribunals. Julien was awarded the Elizabeth Torrance Gold Medal of McGill University’s Faculty of Law. He also worked as a law clerk to the Honourable Marie Deschamps and the Honourable Thomas Albert Cromwell, Justices of the Supreme Court of Canada

Awards and Recognition

  • Best Lawyers in Canada: Recognized in Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law
  • Elizabeth Torrance Gold Medal, McGill Faculty of Law, 2008
  • Fondation Baxter & Alma Ricard Scholarship, 2004-2007
  • Robinson Cup (Best Pleader), Tribunal-École Pierre-Basile Mignault (Québec Civil Law Moot), 2006
  • Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2003



  • McGill University, B.C.L./LL.B
  • University of Toronto, M.A. (Economics)
  • University of Ottawa, B.Soc.Sc. (Hon. Economics)
  • University of Ottawa, B.Soc.Sc. (Hon. Political Science)


  • English
  • French
  • Spanish

Professional Affiliations

  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Lawyers Without Borders Canada
  • Turnaround Management Association, Vice-President, Legal Affairs of the Montréal Chapter
  • Young Bar Association of Montreal
  • Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montréal