David Stamp

David is recognized as an expert litigator specializing in pension and benefits litigation and employment litigation. He represents and is a trusted advisor to major pension funds and corporations in pensions litigation matters, and has acted for the successful party in a number of well-known pension and benefits cases at various levels of court including the Ontario Court of Appeal and the Federal Court of Appeal. This practice also includes a substantial administrative law component, both advising and appearing before statutory tribunals. David is a regular presenter on pension class action and other pension litigation issues. He also has extensive experience acting for employers defending wrongful dismissal and other employment-related litigation, and many years of corporate and commercial litigation experience.

Representative Work

  • IBM Canada Limited in a successful court application to retroactively rectify pension plan to correct inadvertent drafting errors, in the process clarifying the rectification test for unilateral instruments such as pension plans.
  • OPTrust in a class action relating to provincial government employees who transferred their employment from the province to the federal government in connection with the creation of the Harmonized Sales Tax.
  • OPTrust in McHayle v. CEO of Financial Services Regulatory Authority [2022], an Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Divisional Court) appeal addressing permissible pension plan amendments under the Pension Benefits Act (Ontario) and other issues, which upheld a decision of the Financial Services Tribunal.
  • Ontario Teachers Pension Plan in Monteiro v. CEO of Financial Services Regulatory Authority [2021], a decision of the Financial Services Tribunal (Ontario) addressing burden of proof for establishing entitlement to benefits under a pension plan and other issues.
  • General Motors of Canada Limited in General Motors of Canada Limited v. Abrams [2011], a class action concerning changes to post-retirement health care benefits and the creation of a health care trust. Also represented General Motors in a court application that obtained approval for a plan to distribute surplus funds under a group life insurance program [2009]
  • Towers Watson (formerly Watson Wyatt) in a court application which permitted rectification of pension plan language for the first reported time in Canada: Kraft Canada Inc. v. Pitsadiotis [2009].  Also representing Towers Watson in its defence of professional negligence claims in Morneau Shepell Ltd. v. Towers Watson [2013]
  • Marine Atlantic Inc. in a successful appeal to the Federal Court of Appeal which held that the federal pension legislation does not require distribution of surplus upon a partial plan termination notwithstanding the Monsanto decision: Cousins v. Marine Atlantic Inc. [2008]
  • OMERS in its successful appeal at the Ontario Court of Appeal addressing the disclosure obligations of employers and pension plan administrators when changes are under consideration: Hembruff v. OMERS Board [2005].  Also acted for OMERS in two cases before the Ontario Court of Appeal relating to entitlements to pension surplus arising in ongoing pension funds; Police Retirees of Ontario Inc. v. OMERS, [2000] and Toronto (Metropolitan) Police Services Board v. OMERS, [1998]
  • Counsel in a number of cases where negligence has been alleged against pension plan actuaries and/or consulting firms; in some cases defending, in other cases counsel for plaintiff
  • Canadian Broadcasting Corporation defending a class action commenced on behalf of pensioners relating to an alleged commitment by the company to share surplus funds with pensioners on an ongoing basis [2009]
  •  Sybron Canada in its successful application to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice for a declaration of its ownership of surplus under the pension instruments: Sybron Canada Limited [2008]
  • Representing numerous clients defending wrongful dismissal actions and other employer related litigation

Latest Insights

  • Webinar May 9, 2023

    Osler’s Annual Pensions & Benefits Seminar – Managing IT & Cybersecurity Risk

    Join Osler’s Pension & Benefits Group virtually or in-person for our annual discussion on hot topics and recent developments facing Canadian...

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    Osler’s Annual Pensions & Benefits Seminar – Managing IT & Cybersecurity Risk
  • Osler Update Nov 26, 2020

    Understanding Fraser v. Canada Impacts and Risks for Pension Administrators and Employers Across Canada (Webinar)

    The recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Fraser v Canada will have wide and reverberating implications across Canada for years to come.

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  • Webinar Nov 26, 2020

    Understanding Fraser v Canada. Impacts and Risks for Pension Administrators and Employers Across Canada

    The recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Fraser v Canada that the design of the RCMP pension plan discriminated against women who were enrolled...

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  • Blog Apr 24, 2017

    Ontario court finds representative proceeding to be time-barred despite being commenced within the limitation period

    In Caetano v Quality Meat Packers, 2017 ONSC 1199, Justice Belobaba of the Ontario Superior Court recently had opportunity to consider whether two...

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Awards and Recognition

  • Recognized in Pensions & Employee Benefits – Employer

    —The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory
  • Recognized in Employee Benefits Law

    —Best Lawyers in Canada

Media Mentions

  • Media Mentions Apr 30, 2024

    Ontario court sides with IBM in pension benefits rectification case – Benefits Canada

    In representing IBM Canada, David Stamp helped clarify Ontario’s test for rectification of a unilateral instrument (like a pension plan). He spoke...

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    Ontario court sides with IBM in pension benefits rectification case – Benefits Canada

Speaking and Writing

Speaking Engagements

speaker 09/5/2023
Osler’s Annual Pensions & Benefits Seminar – Managing IT & Cybersecurity Risk
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speaker 26/11/2020
Understanding Fraser v Canada. Impacts and Risks for Pension Administrators and Employers Across Canada
Read more
speaker 10/6/2018
CBA/ABA/IPEBLA Global Pension and Employee Benefits Lawyers Conference
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International Pension & Employee Benefits Lawyers Association (IPEBLA) 17th Biennial Conference
Speaker, Lisbon, Portugal, May 19-22, 2019

Published Work

  • Correcting Errors, OBAAdvance Strategic Planning:  Proving Pension & Benefits Advice, February 2015 (Presenter).
  • Document Retention and Disclosure, International Pension and Employee Benefits Lawyers Association May 2013 conference (Workshop moderator).
  • Non-compete / non-solicit covenants: Ontario Court of Appeal provides guidance on requirements for enforceability (2012).
  • Avoiding Litigation Pitfalls in Pension Plan Administration, Canadian Bar Association/International Pension & Employee Benefit Lawyers Association Conference, June 2010 (Presenter).
  • Rectification of Pension Plans: Ontario Court Tackles Unique Challenge,Corporate Litigation, Vol. IX, No. 4.
  • How to Avoid Ending Up in Court, Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute Ontario Regional Conference, October 2009 (Moderator).



  • University of Toronto, LL.B.
  • University of Western Ontario, B.A.


  • English

Professional Affiliations

  • Ontario Bar Association, Civil Litigation and Pension & Benefits Sections
  • The Advocates’ Society
  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Toronto Lawyers Association