Online streaming and news laws advance federal government’s digital agenda

Dec 11, 2023 1 MIN READ
a smartphone held in front of a laptop with icons depicting cloud mased service synchronization
John Salloum

Partner, Privacy and Data Management, Toronto

Maryna Polataiko

Associate, Privacy and Data Management, Toronto

Online platforms have been actively working to address compliance requirements arising out of two-thirds of the federal government’s digital agenda that was passed this year in the form of Bill C-11, the Online Streaming Act (OSA), and Bill C-18, the Online News Act (ONA).

The OSA requires platforms to pay for and promote Canadian content, while the ONA introduces a mandatory bargaining framework requiring platforms to compensate news businesses for news content.

Despite undergoing several rounds of consultations, the final third of the agenda – a widely anticipated online safety bill – has yet to be tabled. However, given mounting pressure to table an online harms bill, we expect that one will be introduced in 2024…

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