Competition Criminal Enforcement in Canada: The year in review 2016 Competition Criminal Enforcement in Canada: The year in review 2016

March 1, 2017 1 MIN READ

In 2016, the Commissioner of Competition pursued another year of aggressive criminal enforcement in Canada.

In our annual report on antitrust criminal enforcement in Canada, we examine key developments as part of our survey of the leading investigations by the Commissioner and prosecutions by the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC). We also discuss the leading judicial decisions from 2016, and consider their implications for domestic and international price-fixing investigations. In addition, we review the Commissioner’s latest public statements relating to criminal enforcement of the Competition Act, and highlight a number of areas where we can expect developments in 2017.

Key topics include:

  • The Bureau’s enforcement activity and enforcement efforts against individuals
  • The Bureau’s use of a novel plea remedy
  • Update on the Bureau’s convictions in the retail gasoline case
  • The Bureau’s claim of immunity to testify goes to the Supreme Court of Canada

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