
Regulatory Regulatory

Our regulatory practitioners provide advice to energy infrastructure clients and companies handling regulatory matters.

As a result of our significant experience and our regular involvement in energy and resource related regulatory matters, our regulatory practitioners are very familiar with not only the current regulatory regimes, but also the policy and decision-makers, organizations, companies and industries involved and affected by these regulatory regimes.

Our regulatory practitioners have extensive experience assisting energy infrastructure clients across Canada on all aspects of law required to navigate the increasingly complex regulatory framework to achieve optimal development results. In addition to providing advice regarding regulatory permitting and hearings, our regulatory experts offer practical and responsive guidance when dealing with regulatory investigations, including assessing and recommending ways to mitigate risk through preventative measures, regulatory audits and by advising on general regulatory compliance. In addition, we counsel companies dealing with the regulatory matters associated with tolls, tariffs and market rules related to electricity, gas and other commodities.

Our Regulatory team, which is ranked Band 1 by leading legal publication Chambers Canada, has represented clients in major regulatory proceedings before almost every major regulatory agency in Canada, including the Alberta Environmental Appeals Board; Alberta Utilities Commission; Natural Resources Conservation Board (Alberta); British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office; the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board; the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board; the Public Lands Appeal Board (Alberta); Energy Resources Conservation Board (now the Alberta Energy Regulator); Ontario Energy Board; Alberta Surface Rights Board; the Ontario Land Tribunal; the Nunavut Water Board; British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission; Alberta Electric System Operator; Independent Electric System Operator; Federal Environmental Assessment Joint Review Panels; and the Canada Energy Regulator.

Key Contacts

Sander Duncanson

Calgary Managing Partner, Calgary

Richard J. King

Partner, Regulatory, Indigenous and Environmental, Toronto

Deirdre A. Sheehan

Partner, Regulatory, Indigenous and Environmental, Calgary