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Webinar May 2, 2024

Use of artificial intelligence (AI) in infrastructure projects

Participants will gain valuable insights into the fast-evolving use of AI in the design, management, monitoring and maintenance of infrastructure proj...

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Use of artificial intelligence (AI) in infrastructure projects
Osler Update Apr 30, 2024

B.C. recognizes Haida Nation’s title to Haida Gwaii — what the historic agreement makes clear, and questions remaining

A recent agreement between B.C. and the Council of the Haida Nation is one of very few instances in which Aboriginal title has been formally recognize...

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B.C. recognizes Haida Nation’s title to Haida Gwaii — what the historic agreement makes clear, and questions remaining
Osler Update Apr 24, 2024

Budget 2024 — good news and bad news for real estate

One of the overarching themes of the federal budget tabled on April 16, 2024 was the increase of affordable housing supply.

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Budget 2024 — good news and bad news for real estate
Osler Update Apr 11, 2024

Ontario government announces proposed amendments to Planning Act and Development Charges Act

On April 10, 2024, the Ontario government introduced Bill 185, the “Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2023”. The Bill proposes to repeal a num...

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Ontario government announces proposed amendments to Planning Act and Development Charges Act
Osler Update Feb 29, 2024

AUC inquiry update: Alberta to declare no-build zones and mandatory reclamation security requirements for renewable energy projects

On February 28, Alberta announced intended changes to its electricity generation regime, including an “agriculture first” approach and buffer zones su...

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AUC inquiry update: Alberta to declare no-build zones and mandatory reclamation security requirements for renewable energy projects
Osler Update Jan 30, 2024

A surge of initiatives: developments in Alberta power and electricity policy to watch in 2024

Last year saw several policy initiatives with the potential to significantly impact Alberta’s power and electricity framework. We look at some key ong...

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A surge of initiatives: developments in Alberta power and electricity policy to watch in 2024
Blog Dec 21, 2023

Federal Prompt Payment for Construction Work Act comes into force

Coming into force earlier this month, the Federal Prompt Payment for Construction Work Act represents the culmination of a years-long process. Ri...

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Federal Prompt Payment for Construction Work Act comes into force
Osler Update Dec 21, 2023

Canadian prompt payment and construction law reforms

Prompt payment and adjudication legislation is being enacted across Canada in an effort to alleviate perceived payment delays down the construction py...

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Canadian prompt payment and construction law reforms
Blog Nov 29, 2023

Adjudication: ODACC’s fourth Annual Report highlights growth in the number of adjudications and amounts paid out

The latest annual report from Ontario Dispute Adjudication for Construction Contracts shows slightly wider acceptance of adjudication in the province&...

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Adjudication: ODACC’s fourth Annual Report highlights growth in the number of adjudications and amounts paid out
Osler Update Nov 28, 2023

Indigenous Law Insights: Tripartite conservation agreement between federal government, B.C. and First Nations Leadership Council

A recent tripartite agreement may serve as a model for further Indigenous involvement in land management decision-making.

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