Independent Electricity System Operator in respect of the Oneida Battery Storage facility Independent Electricity System Operator in respect of the Oneida Battery Storage facility

Independent Electricity System Operator
Key Contact
Rocco Sebastiano

Partner, Commercial, Toronto

Elliot A. Smith

Partner, Construction and Infrastructure, Toronto

Jagriti Singh

Associate, Commercial, Toronto


On February 10, 2023, the Independent Electricity System Operator announced entering into an Energy Storage Facility Agreement for the Oneida Energy Storage Project. The Oneida Energy Storage project is a 250 MW/1000 MWh energy storage facility located in Southwestern Ontario. This is being developed by Northland Power Inc. in partnership with NRStor Inc. and Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation. The project will provide clean, reliable power by drawing and storing renewable energy through a 250 megawatt/1000 megawatt-hour Tesla-megapack utility scale battery system. The project will provide prioritize local Indigenous partnerships and environmental benefits.

Natural Resource Canada recognized this project due to the environmental benefits and has provided $50 million in funding through the Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways program.

This project holds high significance as it is considered the largest sustainable energy project in Canada and one of the largest in the world. This will also benefit provincial ratepayers through reducing the cost and demand of gas-fired power plants and is projected to assist Ontario reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 4.1 million tonnes.

The Independent Electricity System Operator is responsible for operating the electricity market and directing the operation of the bulk electrical system in Ontario.

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP advised the Independent Electricity System Operator with a team consisting of Elliot Smith and Jagriti Singh (Construction and Infrastructure).

Date Closed
Lead Office
Key Contact
Rocco Sebastiano

Partner, Commercial, Toronto

Elliot A. Smith

Partner, Construction and Infrastructure, Toronto

Jagriti Singh

Associate, Commercial, Toronto