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Manon Thivierge awarded Lifetime Contribution Award by the Canadian Tax Foundation Manon Thivierge awarded Lifetime Contribution Award by the Canadian Tax Foundation

Nov 29, 2021 2 MIN READ
People Mentioned
Manon Thivierge

Partner, Tax, Montréal

Osler is proud to announce that Montréal Tax partner, Manon Thivierge, was recognized with a Lifetime Contribution Award by the Canadian Tax Foundation (CTF) — the most prestigious award given by this organization. This award celebrates and honours those individuals who, over their career, have made substantial and outstanding contributions to the CTF through their volunteer efforts and body of work over a number of years.

Manon’s practice is focused on domestic and cross-border tax law. She regularly advises corporations, individuals and financial institutions on the tax consequences and issues related to mergers and acquisitions, financings, reorganizations and compensation of directors and officers as well as on estate planning. She regularly interacts with the tax authorities, requesting and obtaining the tax rulings necessary in complex transactions, as well as proposes amendments to tax legislation. Manon is recognized not only as a leading tax lawyer but also as a generous mentor to young practitioners. Manon is also a lecturer of the “Estate Planning” course in the Master’s Program in Taxation at HEC Montréal, and is the author of numerous publications on tax matters. She is also the past-president of the Executive Committee of APFF (Association de planification fiscale et financière) and was the first woman to serve as chair of the Canadian Tax Foundation.

Established in 1945, the Canadian Tax Foundation is an independent tax research and education organization. The Foundation provides a forum for discussion and analysis of issues in taxation and government finance through its conferences, publications, and research projects.

Learn more about these awards on the Canadian Tax Foundation’s website.

People Mentioned
Manon Thivierge

Partner, Tax, Montréal