Osler News

IFLR 1000 2024 Canada guide recognizes Osler’s market-leading expertise as a Tier 1 firm IFLR 1000 2024 Canada guide recognizes Osler’s market-leading expertise as a Tier 1 firm

December 11, 2024 2 MIN READ

Osler has again been recognized in the IFLR 1000 2024 Canada guide, receiving the highest recognition as Tier 1 rankings in the four categories: Capital Markets: Debt, Capital Markets: Equity, M&A and Restructuring and Insolvency. The firm was also recognized in Banking, Financial Services Regulatory, and Projects: Mining.

In addition to the practice rankings, 48 lawyers were also ranked individually in the guide.

Lawyer NameRankingPractice Area
Sandra Abitan, Ad.E.Highly regardedRestructuring and Insolvency
Sophie AmyotRising star partnerCorporate, M&A
Chris BennettHighly regardedProject Finance
Joyce BernasekHighly regardedBanking
Richard BorinsHighly regardedFinancial Services Regulatory
James R BrownHighly regardedCapital Markets: Debt, Capital Markets: Equity, M&A
Douglas BryceHighly regardedM&A
Janice Buckingham, KCNotable practitionerM&A, Project development
Mary Buttery, KCHighly regardedRestructuring and Insolvency
Martino CalvarusoRising star partnerRestructuring and Insolvency
Jeremy DacksNotable practitionerRestructuring and insolvency
Michael De LellisHighly regardedRestructuring and insolvency
Danna DonaldHighly regardedProject finance
Tobor EmakporHighly regardedProject finance
Jeremy FraibergHighly regardedM&A
Rick FullertonHighly regardedBanking, Capital markets: Structured finance and securitisation
Alex GorkaNotable practitionerM&A
Victoria GrahamHighly regardedFinancial services regulatory
Shahir Guindi, Ad.E.Highly regardedInvestment funds, M&A, Private equity
Rosalind HunterHighly regardedM&A
Alan HutchisonHighly regardedProject development
Michael InnesMarket leaderCapital markets: Debt, Capital markets: Equity, Capital markets: High yield, M&A
Arielle KaplanNotable practitionerFinancial and corporate, M&A
Desmond LeeMarket leaderCapital markets: Equity
Mark LongoHighly regardedCapital markets
John MacfarlaneHighly regardedCapital markets: Debt, Capital markets: Equity
Lisa MantelloHighly regardedBanking, Capital markets: Derivatives, Financial restructuring
Douglas MarshallHighly regardedM&A
Martha MartindaleHighly regardedBanking
Etienne MassicotteHighly regardedBanking, Project finance
Amelia MiaoNotable practitionerFinancial and corporate, M&A
Christopher MurrayNotable practitionerM&A
François ParadisHighly regardedCapital markets: Debt, Capital markets: Equity
Emmanuel PressmanMarket leaderM&A
Dave RosenblatNotable practitionerRestructuring and insolvency
Neal RossNotable practitionerBanking, M&A, Private equity
Jacob SadikmanHighly regardedProject development: Energy
Elizabeth SaleHighly regardedFinancial services regulatory
Tracy SandlerHighly regardedRestructuring and insolvency
Trevor ScottHighly regardedCapital markets
Rocco SebastianoHighly regardedProject development
Dan SheaNotable practitionerCapital markets, Corporate and M&A, Private equity
Craig SpurnHighly regardedM&A
Frank TurnerHighly regardedM&A
John ValleyNotable practitionerCorporate and M&A
Marc WassermanMarket leaderRestructuring and insolvency
Andrea Whyte, KCNotable practitionerFinancial and corporate, M&A
Richard WongHighly regardedProject development

The annual list, published by International Financial Law Review, ranks the world’s leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. Law firm rankings and lawyer ratings are based on three key criteria: transactional evidence, client feedback and peer feedback. IFLR1000 assesses transactions by their legal innovation or sophistication, the challenges they navigated and their impact on the market.

The IFLR 1000 rankings can be viewed on IFLR 1000‘s website.