Media Mentions

Comparative corner: drone laws in Mexico, Canada and the United States – International Bar Association Comparative corner: drone laws in Mexico, Canada and the United States – International Bar Association

Sep 13, 2022 1 MIN READ
People Mentioned
Zain Hemani

Associate, Technology, Toronto

With the increasing popularity of drones, people flying these should be aware of applicable privacy legislation and how to avoid committing privacy-related torts, says Osler lawyer Zain Hemani, associate, Technology, in an article published by the International Bar Association.

Operators of unmanned aerial vehicles should also be aware of other regulatory requirements, such as those that may apply to certain payloads when performing delivery operations, and to be updated on local by-laws, such as those that require permits or other authorizations to fly drones for specific purposes. An example would be filming or flying in a national park.

Drones in Canada cannot be flown above 400 feet, near bystanders, sites of emergency operations or special events, or within three nautical miles of airports or one nautical mile of a heliport. Operating drones outside the mandated rules and regulations can result in serious penalties, including fines and jail time.

Read the full article published by the International Bar Association on September 13, 2022

People Mentioned
Zain Hemani

Associate, Technology, Toronto