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Canadian M&A deals seen rebounding after sluggish first quarter – Thomson Reuters Canadian M&A deals seen rebounding after sluggish first quarter – Thomson Reuters

April 5, 2018 1 MIN READ
People Mentioned
Jeremy Fraiberg

Partner, Corporate, Toronto

Though the first quarter of 2018 was sluggish for mergers and acquisitions among Canadian companies – activity was down 37% compared to a year ago – an uptick in deals is expected moving forward, driven by non-resource deals, a potential resolution to the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations, and changes to the U.S. tax system, according to a recent article on the Thomson Reuters website. Journalist John Tilak reports that, according to bankers, real estate and industrials will take centre stage in M&A deal activity in 2018. Tilak looks to Jeremy Fraiberg, Osler partner and co-chair of the firm’s Mergers and Acquisitions Group for his take on the impact of the U.S. tax changes on M&A activity.

“The U.S. tax cut on a macro level has huge implications for Canadian M&A,” Jeremy says. “With the tax changes, U.S. companies are finding their coffers have more cash and could do more northbound deals as a result.”

Read John Tilak’s full article from April 5, 2018, “Canadian M&A deals seen rebounding after sluggish first quarter,” on the Thomson Reuters site.

People Mentioned
Jeremy Fraiberg

Partner, Corporate, Toronto