Pensions & Benefits Partner, Doug Rienzo speaks at Osgoode Professional Development's The 2017 Legal Guide: Pension and Benefit Entitlements Upon Marriage Breakdown on the topic, Pension and Benefit Splitting Upon the Breakdown of the Spousal Relationship: Where the Law Stands Here and Now.
- The legal framework under the Family Law Act and Pension Benefits Act
- Regulatory reform – changes to understand
- Who is considered a “spouse” and what is “property”?
- Understanding defined contribution (DC) and defined benefit (DB) pensions
- Dividing the Pension
- Death Benefits and Survivor Benefits
Program Details:
Learn what you need to know about pension and benefit division on marriage breakdown, in this practical one-day course. An expert faculty will discuss:
- How to get pension division right the first time
- Spousal entitlements to extended health benefits, disability and life insurance
- Common traps and pitfalls for practitioners – and how to avoid professional liability claims
- Statutory limits, requirements and critical case law
- Cross country landscape – interaction between the PBSA and provincial property laws
- Equitable receivership and Pension Benefit its Act restrictions
- How to argue for the best interpretation of reports in your client’s favour
- Significant issues to consider before choosing an if-and-when agreement
- Establishing a beneficial interest in a pension via the doctrine of unjust enrichment