Partner, Municipal, Land Use Planning and Development; Real Estate, Toronto
On June 6, Royal Assent was given to Bill 108, which amends 13 different statutes as part of the Ontario government’s Housing Supply Action Plan. Once all of the changes are in force, the appeal process at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal will be almost identical to what it was under the old Ontario Municipal Board. The key changes to the LPAT Act are not yet in force.
Osler has prepared unofficial blackline versions of the key statutes, showing the changes in context. Not all of the changes will come into force immediately, as the government works to determine the timing of how to implement the changes. In particular, the changes to the Ontario Heritage Act and Planning Act will come into force at a later date that has not yet been announced.
The blackline statutes can be downloaded, below. Osler will continue to post updates as the changes come into force.
Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act 2017 – Blackline [PDF]
Heritage Act Royal Assent – Blackline [PDF]
Development Charges Act Royal Assent – Blackline [PDF]